


Once accepted, you are automatically considered for all merit scholarships based on your academic and personal success.

The chart shows the minimum scholarship awards for incoming first-year students in Fall 2024.

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    And that’s not all! 你也可能有资格获得基于需求的援助. Learn more


The scholarship you receive based primarily on your high school GPA (from the chart above) is just the beginning. 此外,你可能有资格获得其他著名的奖学金. 这些奖学金不仅认可你的学术成就, but your leadership, 为社区服务等等.

Cowles Fellowship is one of the most prestigious academic awards offered by Simpson College. Cowles Fellowships range from $1,000 to $3000 on top of the academic merit-based scholarship. In addition, Cowles Fellows will receive a travel stipend to be used for international/domestic travel or internship study to enhance the student’s educational experience. 它只颁发给进入大一的全日制学生. Candidates must possess extraordinary academic ability and potential as evidenced by high school performance, 包括标准化考试成绩. Leadership skills and participation in high school or community activities will be given strong consideration. 无需其他应用程序.


You will bring many unique gifts and passions to Simpson that might also qualify you for other generous scholarships requiring an application, portfolio or audition. One of the scholarships listed below can be awarded in addition to your academic merit scholarships — unless you are the recipient of a full-tuition award.

Each year, 几个对政治充满热情的大一新生, 历史或公共服务将被授予约翰C. Culver Fellowship  每年500 - 2500美元. 优先截止日期为2024年2月15日. Learn more about this program.

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    The speech and debate program is home to the four-time Pi Kappa Delta Debate National Champions.
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    Simpson Productions is a performing arts collaboration featuring theatre, opera and musical theatre.
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    Simpson eSports competes in five popular titles and opened a state-of-the-art arena in 2020.

Legacy Awards

If at least one of your parents is a Simpson alumnus or you have one or more siblings attending Simpson, 你将获得如下所述的特殊奖学金.

The Alumni Scholarship recognizes the dependent student whose parent or grandparent(s) attended Simpson College. An Alumni Scholarship of $1,000 per year will be made available to each dependent of an alumnus. 学生必须是全日制学生(12学时或以上)。.

These amazing merit scholarships are just the beginning of ensuring your access to excellence. 了解更多TG反波胆app最新版下载基于需求的经济援助和贷款 here.

We would love to visit with you about your scholarships and other forms of financial aid that will open the door to a life-shaping education like no other.


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